Four Things to Do in the Summer to Prepare Your Home for Winter

While the summer is all about enjoying the warm weather, it is also the time to work on essential home projects that you can’t do in the winter. Remember winter last year when you felt that draft coming in the window, or the radiator in your office stopped working just as the weather started warming up? The summer is the best time to fix any issues with your house so that it’s ready to go once the winter comes back again.

Take advantage of the warm, dry weather, and tackle these four things to prepare your home for winter.

1. Ensure your heating system is functioning properly

There’s nothing worse than the cold weather hitting and turning on your radiators only to realize they don’t work. During the summer, it’s easy to forget about your radiators, but it’s also the best time to replace any that are beyond repair or fix any leaks. It’s also quite easy to get someone out to your home to repair your radiators in the summer since they get much busier once the weather starts to get colder. Check out for tons of different radiator options.

2. Patch your roof

Summer is the optimal time to fix any missing or broken shingles on your roof. Even if they haven’t caused leaks yet, it’s best to replace them before the rainy season. Have a thorough look at your roof to see if any shingles are damaged, missing, or loose. If you’re handy, you might want to replace them yourself, or you can hire someone to come and patch it up for you. Either way, giving your roof a facelift in the summer will help prevent leaks in the winter.

3. Reseal window and door frames

While you may love some extra airflow in the summer, once winter hits those drafts can get cold. Window and door frames can warp and crack over time, allowing air to both make its way in and out of your home. Heating bills may already be running high, and you don’t want that heat escaping through the cracks. You also don’t want the cold air finding its way into your toasty warm home. Sealing up any external gaps or cracks in the summer with a quality sealant will ensure your home is airtight in the winter. Opt for silicone sealant on the exterior since it can withstand the elements and it won’t shrink.

4. Test your sump pump

The summer months are also the driest of the year, and therefore your sump pump won’t get much of a workout. Your sump pump is what will prevent your basement from flooding during the rainy months, so it’s essential to make sure that it is functioning correctly. Don’t chance it and hope for the best, and instead test out your sump pump to see if it kicks on when it’s supposed to. You should be testing your pump at least once every two months by pouring a few gallons of water into the pump. If it turns on, then it’s working as it should. If it doesn’t, you still have time to get it repaired before the rainy season hits.

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