HRs Share Tips on How you can stay Organized at your First Job

Starting new job is scary and pretty much exciting as well. But there are instances where you wished you had advice from someone. A person can stay organized at work and start their job on a good note. Here are a few things shared by the HRs of top companies on what the people can do to be at the top of the game at their first job.

Routine is extremely essential. A person goes to work 5-6 days a week, which means a person spends more than half of the time at the office. On the first day of the job, a person must establish a routine. Following the same routine every day will make the person remain more on control.

Use a management tool. The next step is using a project management tool. If your company is not already using a project or task management tool like Basecamp or freedcamp, then you can go ahead and create an account for yourself for a Simple Visual Task Management tool.

It is a platform where you can assign tasks and cross them off when completed. You can also set priorities on which one is more important than the other.

Or you can use your Google Calendar or Google Tasks. Many people are aware of the use of Google Calendar, and they can add their tasks here. But Google tasks along with the integration of Google calendar are an efficient way to keep track of your schedule.

To become successful in your first job, you must always keep track of the emails you get. You can sort them out in your folder, and flag them as important. But never ignore the emails.

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